2 months back was an exciting day. 3 days after that it turned into an angry day. 2 months forward and it's a busy day. 2 months forward and it's another angry day. Today's 18 reminds me of dreams and desires gone bad. When the dust of a busy day settles, I feel like shit and today's 18 feels like yuck. Sorry for the language, Theo.
Dreaming's overrated. For example, we wanted to move to Colorado. We got the jobs and in the last few days, it fell apart. We never moved and we never will. I know, its never gonna happen. Brookfield bound. After 6 years of trying, we get to have a family. We prepared, decided, accepted, and finally adopted. It almost happened. We got close and then it fell apart. Another failed "dream", another failed excited wish. I am angry. I am sad because I am the person who feels dreaming is overrated. I liked to dream. I stopped dreaming, today. Dreaming's overrated.
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