Realized today that my mind is kinda a dull old blank slate and I kinda love it because it looks like how Brent and Maya feel in this picture. Christmas car riding with a belly ache from too much food might not be my Bodhi tree for enlightenment, but this state of blank sure feels terrific.
Break just now needs to be topped off with a good old fashioned movie date and we are set to go. One more week of pure and total bliss even if my conversation skills are lacking. I think that the plan is, after christmas in cary tomorrow, the answer to any plans is, "Thanks but no thanks". I am tapped out and ready for the remaining days to take me wherever they do- Buddah Style.
Bup is feeling the blank slate, also. After a dark hour disappearance in an Ohio farm field, she is tapped out, too. We looked and searched for over an hour for that Buparoon and were super happy to find her sitting at the front door with only a scratched up nose, tons of burrs, and some red cold pads. It went a little like this... we walked the farm field and the deer just sent her off at full steam. Yelling Bup was completely ineffective and her speed was totally faster than our grabs. Off she went into the woods and off she went to become the neighborhood's dog of the hour. The family throwing the christmas party put out their little white fluffer hoping to bring in Bup. We put out the ham. The ham won. I was glad that we vetoed naming her Fiona Sassenfrass so she had some dignity among the wildlife.
Today tried on the new running tights. Super fun. Now to get that light blue, skin tight lycra shirt in a black to hide the "women my age's" midsection and we are good to run it down the lakefront come New Years Day.
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