Saturday, March 30, 2013


This blog was started way back when. Way back. It was to document change and its glory. Time to get off the grid and off the agricultural grid. The latest experiment could be to take it down to the brass tacks. Brass tacks meaning, cradle to cradle concepts where Natalia is living in that van- homeschooling it on the mountain range as Mommy and Daddy chop wood between lessons! Okay, that would be exciting for me, and, maybe Noah, but totatlly unfair to Natalia. I get it. But anyhow... how's about this idea. How can we design a garden this spring that sustains us throughout the entire summer and is our only source of food? Is that possible and if not, is it possible to only live off the garden and buy from the farmer's market to supplement? What about while traveling, cause we got a lot of that to do also1. So what could we plant? Here are the first of my thoughts on the matter. Here's the second thought.. what about alcohol? I do love a drink here and there especially during summertime. For Vegetables(I know, tomatoes are really fruit): Carrots and Sweet Potatoes: Betas and Vitamin K (Mid to late summer) Tomatoes: Lycopene, antioxidents Lettuces: Late Spring, early summer Kale and Green Veggies for iron (late summer) Edamame and beans: iron Corn: the useless nutrient, but delicious fun For Fruits: At a loss here. Double blooming raspberries (May and August) Tomatoes (August only) Proteins: Farmer's Market eggs Grains: That's the tough one. Grains, hmmmm.. Can it be done. Becuase to get off the agricultural grid and not be a part of that entire ecological nightmare for at least a month or two could be really interesting. Comments and ideas?!

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