Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Hardwork

Finally, the celebrations ended and the hardwork got underway.
The fence arrives on Thursday and the old bushes needed a removing. Spring cleaning leads to the strangest things and often times uncovers all kinds of dirty messes. As I raked the grubs and tended to the forthcoming garden, Noah pulled and pulled and now we have a backyard ready for the fencing and the planting.
Cannot wait and praying that the job goes as I want it to- perfectly. :)
If the Chew Chew luncheon doesn't happen- where are the RSVP's girls, we'll have to BBQ up our first burgers of the season right in our new outdoor room.
Anyhow, this day of high intensity labor, jogging, and tennis landed us in Geneva. There we celebrated Denise and her birth, ate delicious tacos, had cake, and flirted with the waiters. All of this was followed up with a hang out in the empty parking lot watching my Dad seem confused but still having a great time.

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