Monday, April 20, 2009

Booya, Jewel, and Kayne

Friday night was an extra fun one. I haven't laughed that hard in a really long long time. It went a little like this:
The weather was a warm and sunny 73 degrees and the river awed us to some fly fishers in waders. Bike riding led to the nearest lounge for a refreshing drink and the evening progressed to something funny.
As many of you know, when cool refreshments seem in order. On these rare ocassions, they get followed by a trip to the ice cream store- this night was no exception. We rolled over to Bill's Place to find it switch off the light right as my kick stand hit the cement- funny. I smiled a laughed a little.
Next we rolled over to the Jewel where we found ourselves at the farthest parking slip, sitting on our bike seats, staring silently at the neon signs. I hop off my trusty Schwinn and immediatly begin tellling Noah the choreography to our finale dance of Jai Ho. I dance it off as the car down the way blares Kayne. I start cracking up when I suddenly announce, "Oh my god, I feel like I am back in high school!"
The next morning we go to get some run on. We enter to the local YMCA where we set ourselves up for the 3 miles. Noah starts a few minutes earlier. Noah jogs, I talk with the trainer. I get a treadmill maybe four or five machines down the line.
Suddenly, the guy next to Noah screams out, "BOOOOYA!" Since there are only about 6 people total in the place, no one says a thing. About 30 seconds later, I get on the treadmill, check out the guy and immediately die laughing. Noah catches my eye and I look at him and mouth the word BOOOOYA. This leads to gradiose, belly busting laughing which is very difficult at a pace of 6.7. Maybe this qualifies us for exerciser bragging rights.
Good times, good times.

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