Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sometimes New Friends Come with Problems

We have a new friend and he's a bunny.
This bunny loves to eat the bird seed that has fallen from the feeder by the garage. He sits there in the dark nibbling, nibbling, nibbling. On Friday when we came home for "The Trader Joe's", he greeted us at the garage door side entrance and froz in mid hop- like we couldn't see him because he wasn't moving. Sheeeez!
Anyhows, he likes to eat and nibble. Fun cute stuff. A new friend.
The problem arises when he decides to look at his dining source from another angle and hops into the yard. It is here he sets off one of the Jim's freaking spotlights- you know, "for safety". This spotlight lights up our entire backyard, shines the buuny in full light, and makes our back white garage look like an iceberg shining in the arctic sunshine. Did I mention it stays on all night long shining into our bedroom?!
I suppose when you take down your christmas lights on February 9th, you rig up your spotlights.
New friends do indeed come with problems. I'm wondering if my new friend is gonna cost me a moderately old friend. I don't work so well with neighbors in my space at 3am- just ask Doug Clevenger! He knows, he heard me scream my head off at the loudmouth next door while living in Shakespeare.

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