One of the Jims in the neighborhood is unknowingly a part of our Valentine's Date.
Pipes and I have a date planned for the big love day.. dirty bird- its Valentine's Day, I refer to. Liz! :)
Anyhooooooo, one of the Jim's has found the weather to be very cold. As Brent said, his dog isn't just a spaz, its a spaz because someone fed it too much acid in its younger years. However, more to the point of this subtitle.
When all the snow melted, you guessed it, acid poop! Everywhere.
I immediately thought, great.. call the city and find out the ordinance on fences on our lot size.
The bet goes like this... if Jim cleans up the acid poop before the end of the week, Valentine's Day is free of charge for Noah.
I predicted a clean up by tax day. Turns out, yesterday was the day and Valentine's is on me.
On a side note, Bonita (aka crazed canine) was obviously elated. Today when neighbor Jim lit a fire and torched his christmas tree trimmings sipping a beer, Bonita jumped at the flames over and over again barking at the embers flying up out of the little chimerreia.
Welcome to the Brookie Wookie!
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