Friday, April 5, 2013


Today and last night, Oma was here. For those of you not on the German language proficiency chart, stage 2- Oma stands for Grandmas. Grandmas are special folks, Grandpas, too. But this post is about Omas. Omas do funny things. Somehow they are totally awesome just because they sit in a chair with a beautiful mountain view behind them and draw and play rounds and rounds of Snecke (that's snail for those of you on stage 2) and moan, "Oh veh" when they get up. They are also so totally awesome because they make chocolate chip cookies out of margarine and take you to Sears for dresses. As mothertimes are on me and us, I realize that Oma's are more of that. They are the weird connection to Mommy. What Mommy is in many ways is what Oma is too, in her wiser ways. I suppose it is like aged cheese, wine, or whiskey in a barrel. It is great if its Kraft from the plastic bag, great if it comes from TJ's and costs five bucks, and its still great if it is Wild Turkey. However, it gets more smooth and calming if its Swiss from the German Alps, aged wine that Uncle Tom picked out, and a much more smooth version of the Turkey- Knob Creek. I guess what I am saying is that I wonder if little people sense that the Oma is so many of the things you love about Mommy just without the management. You know- the redirection part. Natalia's Oma is awesome on so many levels but she is awesome from this visit because she leaves secret surprises for us to find upstairs, she teaches words like entschuldigung, and brings a whole lotta love and caring to any dance session. That's what I am thinking about this evening and also a great kid quote. I wonder if Oma's all across the land feel the same way? One student today said that she did not want to find the answers on the world wide web, aka the internet, because she wanted to do the assignment on her own. Her exact comment was, "No, I don't really like it. I like to think for myself!" Amen, sister.

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