Saturday, December 31, 2011

Unsure which blog to post.

You often imagine, and hear, people/parents say this line, "All I wish for our child is....." Sometime the dot, dot, dot is followed by "happiness", "health", "love", "to be awesome and prosperous", "to live a life debt free", or "To life a life better than my own good one". Well, testament to me. I wish all of these things and take them for granted for Ms. Natalia. However, what do I say out loud to myself flying down I294 last week? The story goes like this.

Traveling down the highway going South, a Northbound vehicle catches my eye. I slow down and my jaw drops in envious response. Going North is a rigged up, souped out old 1970's tour bus. Painted, curtained, and destined for a road trip. I pretend to have seen Colorado plates. Out of my mouth flies, "Awesome!" and in my head the phrase, "All I wish for our child is to be able to one day get a hippie bus, quit it all, drive west and live it up!" This is what I wish for our child. Hey man, its what I wish for the four of us, me, Papa, Natalia, and Bup.

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