Sunday, March 20, 2011


Psst- This post also will go to for you to have, Natalia.
Today was Natalia's first trip to Cary to visit Oma and Grandpa in their own space and where I grew up as a little girl. I gotta say. It was a nice visit and I was very aware of the fact that that particular trip had history. This history nailed me smack dab center in the middle of my face on the drive home. Life is so interesting. I spent the day with Noah, in my childhood home, in the place where I sat for years on the rug, had many a Sunday dinner, and spent it chatting with my mom and dad. As a girl, I never was they type to "dream about my wedding day" or "dream about when I have kids"... I just assumed they would happen. Now both of these things are happening. I have a daughter and she spent the day where I spent my days as a kid. I can remember as a kid going to Ohio to Grandma's and being so interesting in knowing that this was the same bedroom my dad slept in as a boy, this was the same backyard he chased his dogs back and forth, this was the same place Dad had fun as a kid. When we would go to Pennsylvania, it was a little bit different. The location was not Mom's childhood growing up place, but it was the family traditions that stuck out. I knew mom always had those german s-shaped cookies and almonds with Omama and we would often have her at Oma's table and eat those cookies and visit Erna and snack on almonds. Fascinating, touching, and very circular. Next weekend, we take her to Ohio to meet her cousins, aunts, uncles, and visit Grandma. All of this in Noah's hometown.

The history also took on a sweet taste today- this is Noah's version of the historical this afternoon. He was so aware of the fact that we stopped at Ambrosia on the way to Mom and Dad's. This is the bakery that I, "Mama", used to work at as a late teenager. We spent some time talking with Debbie and waved to her daughter working behind the glass in the kitchen. This is the same daughter that was an infant in a car seat when I was working there who had been born when I was putting together that morning's Pain de Chocolat. This was the same place that we spent afternoons talking about college and being in love. This is where Natalia soaked in the smells and sights of Ambrosia and the sweet vibes of Debbie. All this ended with a nice clear out of the bakery case, two filled bags of goodies, tarts, and treats. Many of these goodies got shoveled into "Papa's" mouth on the couch I knew as a child. Hee hee. Delicious.

1 comment:

Molly said...

beautiful story diane!