Okay.... so I want to start a new blog, an addendum, if you will. I am just looking for the desire to spend time looking through the Blogger design tab. You know, I am not feeling that right now, but I want to blow a picture or two intended for it instead. The idea is as follows:. Find something every day that makes you go... "hmmm, now that's different". 365 Days of, "Hmmmm... now that's different"- hilarious.
So here goes.
Photo #1 The Green Goo: Hmm, now that's different....avacodo and honey on the face before going back to work after a break of indulgence and dry heater days. Both wreak havoc on the skin and here is a delicious home remedy to cure what ailes that- at least for 24 hours.
1. Mix some avacado and honey
2 Add warmed oatmeal
3. Process in the food processor
4. Smear and....
5. Apply
Now the "hmmm.. this is different" element comes in when I realized I actually was sitting around with this on my face, wondering why the dog was so attentive, while I licked the deliciousness of my face as it dripped on the keyboard while I sent out some emails. Yup, different indeed. Then, I took a picture to document it. Why? Because I am certain I didn't wake up that morning and think, I want a picture today of me at the computer sending email to aunties with avacado on my face!
Photo #2: The Mysterious Gingerbread House
Today coming home from school, I pulled into the back alley to find our neighbor, Butch, had stealthly designed his garbage. He had taken a home made gingerbread house and carefully balanced it atop his garbage canister and definitly moved the little gingerbread man to face the alley with its mitten shaped hand waving at anyone who drove past and noticed it. I couldn't help but wonder, was this Butch's diet plan or simply his recession tip to the garbage men who are picking up the refuse tomorrow morning. Now... "hmmm. this is different" I thought as I realized I was kicking the car into reverse, digging around for the camera in the glove compartment, and snapping a photo for keepsakes.
can't stop laughing. Even with "Green Goo" on your face, you're still as cute as ever.
That IS different, but your skin looks fabu.
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