Monday, August 9, 2010

Reasons I LOVE Seaside

There are many reasons to have a favorite place on the continental area- in my opinion. They inspire, they drive, they lead you through the depths of winter, and they reconnect you and wrap up another luckily great year. Noah and I do a year in review when we come to Seaside at "Burt Lancaster's"- denise, aka Bud and Alley's. We review the year that passed and often times end up loving our past year. THis year is no exception... a good one so far and it is about to change DRAMATICALLy in a few days, if all goes as intended. However, one day at a time on this topic.
Anyhow... what do I love about Seaside besides everything? I love a good list and this one could be long. Get ready and enjoy the photo commentary to go with it. These items are in no order, just random thought order.

1. Charlie Modica
2. Modica Market
3. Crab Cakes
4. A/C
5. The brown shade of tan
6. Evan, our Cabana Man
7. Green, sea through waters of the Gulf
8. Houses
9. The coziness of a nighttime ride through Seaside
10. Tennis courts
11. Sunsets
12. Sun Dog Books
13. Starry Nights and Bike Rides
14. Hot, hot, hot temperatures
15. 90 degree waters
16. Crystal Clear- See to Your Feet Waters
17.. Wave Riding with Floaty's
18. Good Books
19 Naps on the Beach with the Waves Rumbling to Slumber
20. Bud and Alley's
21. The Drive through AL
22. Greenville
23. Peaches
24. Southern Drawl
25. Oyster Shells for Marilyn
26. Ice Cream LInes
27. Sand Between the Toes
28. Naked Outside Showers
29. Denise
30. Honeymoon Cottages and re-celebrations
31. The distance from home
32. Morning Routines with pelicans and dolphins
33. Morning Walks on the Beach
34. Folk Art
35.. and lastly, for tonight, LOVE.
Noah says that a list will not do it, so my next entry will choose one of these great topics and explain it to the followers as to why it is extra special.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This would make a wonderful little flip book. I will look at this again in December when I need a pick me up. Love your photos and lists. My kids love your dog too, esp. his ears.