Saturday, May 29, 2010

Our Summertime Home- The Hobitat

In the summertime, we like to yell out phrases and words whenever inspired. Its not a conscious decision, it just becomes a fun little habit. One year it was, "TENNIS!", the next year it was, "SEEEEAAAASSSSIIUUUUDE" (that one stays in yearly roatation), this year it might have to be "HOBITAT".
Try it, give it a big yell, turn your chin upward, and shout out "HOBITAT!". Fun, isn't it?
This lovely home away from home for weeks on this summer's end will comfortably house me, Noah, Bup, her bear crate, and maybe even a Buehla. If Buehla arrives, we might need to forgo the Bear Crate and send Bup to Denise and Tom. But we're just saying.... HOBITAT at this point!

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