Today is a great, big day. WIth the birth of our newest little friend, Seppe, we had to get the application out for Buelha's arrival. I mean, Seppe, needs a peer- a baby friend, if you will. So we obliged by putting in our application to the FRC today via the certified mail of the USPS! As we rode in the cold December air to the Brookfield Post Office, we pressed go on Little Debbie's CD player and on came Disc 4, song 4- ahem, palendrome 1! It played a catchy tune by Phoenix entitled Beautiful Horizons. Telling, if you ask me... phoenix-es and new horizons, perfect. Then came the other two palendromes- on the clock it was exactly 5:25 as the CD kicked in and the mileage meter on the car gauged in at 90.9 miles! Coincidence, who knows? Superstious good luck charm- we're going with it.
To document this big day, where the ball actually begins to roll, we photographed ourselves welcoming Buehla into our lives and the lives of our friends and families. Enjoy the photos for your viewing pleasure. Anyhow, what this means is that it is official. We are in process with the agency review and next step is networking for a birth mother alongside the agency's efforts followed by social workers and homestudies. So.... if anyone knows of a person in a situation where adoption is their choice, pass them along to us and feel free to give out our contact information or the agency's digits at the Family Resource Center (FRC) in Chicago. We are excited to land any child but love the fact that we might very well land a Chi-city babe. We like that the agency is just across the street from one of my favorite places in the Midwest area- the Gethsemane Garden Center. The FRC recruits from places like Loyola and SIU and places roughly 50 families a year. We hope and hope and hope that we get to be one of these families to a healthy little babe within the year or less. We are trying not to put a time limit on it, but... right now, who cares- we are excited. Of course, we realize all the discrepencies and maybe nots, but why go there, right?!
To celebrate our mailing, we headed over to the Tisch for dinner fixins and picked us up a Fruit Babka to slice and warm for dessert. It looks like a Lithuanian version of the fruit cake. Despite this review it is supposed to be delicious.
So, dear readers, please join us in being excited and getting the word out that we are looking for Buehla anywhere she can be found in the dear U S of A. No bias to international situations, however, we don't qualify here, so let's keep it real Amurican Style! SUWEEEEEEET!
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