We have been tossing the idea around to make our lives an ego-centric TV reality show of "odd things" happening around us. It's always an adventure and we seem to notice and meet the most glorious characters. Like last night's odd thing... at the Blockbuster a 1990 cashier with long Bill-Hoeks-past-the waist length hair scanned our Madmen CD. He had one hand on the scanner gun and the other on the brush that he was slowly gliding thorough his locks. No joke, totally happened. When he was finished ringing us up, he went straight to the gals in the comedy section and asked if they "needed any assistance'. Reminds me of the carefree days working behind the Video counter in Warrington, PA. Too bad I didn't have the confidence to work the long lucious blonde locks I had, it coulda been that much more exciting. Oh well.
So, today's character of choice was Walter aka Allen Spencer. That's his internet alias. Anyhow, it is Walter pictured here. He comes into town when his galpal visits a friend. Rather than hang out there, he fishes the creek every weekend for an hour or so. Noah has talked with him several times and today I had the pleasure. What a hoot we had. Pulling up crawfish, talking hook sizes, and watching for ripples on the water. All of this while the "weasel" swims upstream across the bank. Did you know that the Salt Creek has salmon in it. Yowza... edible, no that's up for debate!
We hope you enjoy Walter as much as we do.
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