Well the day WAS looking like a good one. A long YMCA trip and bike ride to enjoy the gorgeous morning, followed by lunch, and then a trip into chi city for The Sheffield Garden Walk...but, the plans quickly changed.
After being attacked by yellow jackets and enduring 15+ stings all over my face, neck and body I am feeling a tad under the weather and way Benedrel-ed out. I am one space case. Wow. And it hurts! All I kept thinking about was how much it hurt, I was gonna swell, and how many nightmares of anaphlactic shock I have had over kids in my class. Was I going to have an allergic reaction. Mommy, mommy, mommy was all I could think about. Here is some unsolicited advice, when your curiosity wants to climb under your deck and find out why all the bees are going to this one spot- even if you are at the other end of the big board they are climbing under, don't lift it up with your foot. Just assume they want to live there and that is time to call the Orkin folks!
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