Sunday, May 31, 2009

June and what it means to me.... an essay with exclamations!

The month of June, my personal favorite means a multitude of exciting things.
Trips, the last day of school latte and bubble bath.
Goodbye to a great group of nibblets from 109 and endless summer days and nights with no schedules, bathroom breaks, and warm weather.
In Chi City and its surrounding suburbia, it also means festival city, BBQs at Jenine and Dougs, and the option to do Freaking ANYTHING WE WANT at any time of day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here it comes and gets even better with a mere 7 days and and hour and couting!
What to do with 21 students for this amount of time is the biggest question one which I am happy to tackle, overcome, and put behind me.
June 1st, itself, means turning over a newer leaf. Better taking care of myself both physically and mentally, preparing for vacation city, buying a Weber and as Josh B says, 'Finding alternative activites' for those that are less healthy. So, I choose to do the following:

New Haircuts
New Haircolors
Family Time
Tennis Matches
Warrior Yoga-ing
and more Piano playing.
Can't wait!

This makes me realize that although Nadal lost the first of five consecutive French Opens today (dang, I love Nadal- he's top five in my book) I will soon have plenty of time to watch the best month of sports on television and replace his image and sportsmanship in my mind's eye with Federer, Tiger Woods, and whichever team makes it to the NBA Finals. Awesome and game on.
Sorry, Nadal, for your craptastic day today. There's always Wimbeldon.
Finally, the entire summertime will get wrapped up with a trip to the French mecca of Paris, the Mona Lisa, picnics in the park, long French walks, and my dear Auntie Brig. Yahoo and Yippee!

1 comment:

Liz said...

How do you spell relief? J-U-N-E.