Sometimes kids say things in their best most raw form and make you think about decisions and ways "you" have developed your routines. These hilariously dear photos are of a student in Mr Pipes' class who is experiencing her last day at school before a big mnove to another sunny state down south- ahhhhhh, warm! Anyhows, look at them. How sweet. This followed after an entire day dedicated to telling each other how special each one in the room is and how we are all a part of the big Room 105 family. This particular munchkin, didn't cry until the last 5 minutes of classtime because she told Mr P, that she "was saving it". She wanted to save it for her house, but didn't make it that far.
Today with my little nibblets, I couldn't have been more proud of their hard work and the hard work of my student teacher. It was inspring, really. When one of the niners wrote that sometimes people accidently build walls that keep them from others and, after "time find themselves lonely and boxed in". I thought,"Wow!". I thought of my reaction to speaking with a dear friend I affectionately call Mollifer on the phone this week. I thought about her and all my not so near but way so dear friends. I miss you all and feel like the adult version of our little last day of schooler pictured above. Then Clevenger south called and I couldn't help but crack up, because that jenine and family are a great nutty bunch that we want to see and spend time with stat. Broookie to the Wookie, man!
Anyhow, so this my shout out to those far and dear to my heart.
Naomi and her man Steve, Val and gal Willa? Is the new one here yet?
Vella and her men Declan and Seamus
Team Jess plus Henry
Claire and John and team Immonen
Stepahnoots and her boys Mark, Emerson, and Sawyer
Sarah and her man, Adam
Melissa and Rene and their gal, Viv
Larry the Keller Steller
Bet-C the Chase
and many many more. If it were my last day and we were in third grade together I'd cry like Mr Pipes' class.
1 comment:
I think you are wonderful!
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