First off... gotta revise my man list. Obviously Noah is tops, hands joke.
However, the rest of the list goes in a new revised order.
1. Baracki Obama
2. Dave Grohl
3. Allen Iverson
Dave got demoted and it feels okay. Actually, it feels outstanding.
My newly articulated philosophy on life takes its cues from the way Baracki inspires. Its not only about being able to "can". Its not only about the historical wow factor of his being prez. Its about, for me, the ability to feel motivated and only accept vision. I've got vision. Others may find my vision hard to follow, too confrontation, or even vision less- however this is looking at ideas through old scratched up goggles, swimming goggles preferably- the blue kind. FYI....Revison of a good idea and keeping a summer of exploration, learning, and self awareness may seem vision less or confrontational. Maybe it may seem to be lacking in leadership comitment. Nah. Its another way to get a vision through on a not so typical timetable. No time like the present, if you ask me especially if the future is already booked.
The Baracki Factor is about imaging the new. Its about taking things that are good and making them even more good. Its not about saying something isn't working. Its about saying, what can we do now to make it better. This isn't a complicated vision, but its one that when left unattended, keeps the ass in a chair. And sometimes, removing my ass is complicated- given that I have become a 2 day veteran runner of 2 miles each day!
Most personally, vision comes in thinking outside the box and not being afraid. Not being afraid to take risks and tackle the seemingly "unchangeable". Its about taking on whatever proverbial machine stands in the way of your idea or desire. This can be a machine that blocks something seemingly less large like- whose gonna take out the garbage tomorrow even though it stinks tonight and isn't typically my chore. This can be a machine that keeps a beautiful downtown from being a place you visit. Keeping it a dowtown you want to run from because its so depressing. It can be the machine that thinks leadership is lacking due to your personal allocation of time. It can be the machine of that old idea that cannot fully embrace a new one.
Some call the machine things like, Richie Daley, recession, health, infertility or even beauracy (spelling, anyone?). Some machines are the belief that "things are the way that things are".
I call the machine fear. Baracki makes me remember fear has no place in a short lifetime. The world is a huge place and full of opportunities for exploration and experience. Fuck it, if I'm going to sit back and watch it pass me by as I make excuses and seek validation from outside sources.
Now I get off my soapbox and heave my butt to bed to start a new day tomorrow dreaming of Noah, Baracki, Dave, and Allen. Lucky me, lucky me.
So...I was walking down Washington Street yesterday on my way to the Art Institute and I saw the Congrats Obama banners and I was really moved. I feel a very similar way as you do. I am not even sure he is going to be the best president, but he has changed my life. He is an inspiration and makes me want to be a better person. What a country we live my boy Kanye said the other day...what a country we live in...a country where no one really came from but were separated in has now elected a president who is both black and white. Barack Obama embodies everyone and has really taken the charge of making this place the best it can be seriously. I love it! Thanks for the thinking material Diane!
Now check out tapter 6. its up for isat eve.
right back atcha about the thinking material. you inspire also.
The D
Now check out tapter 6. its up for isat eve.
right back atcha about the thinking material. you inspire also.
The D
Well said, neighbor. Now go book youselves a campsite for the summer, and continue to be your fabulous visionary confrontational self.
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