Saturday, January 24, 2009

After the Moments

Obama is in and things are different. There were folks dancing, cheering, crying, and plain old feeling good. There appeared not to be a cynic in the millions. It was a glorious experience, better than the similar ending of a rock show. When a good rock and rolla show is over, Noah and I tend to be the last to leave- hanging out waiting for something really interesting to arise. Usually we watch the latest teen hipsters- always interesting. Then we watch the roadies and marvel at how quickly things get packed up. The masses are ushered out and the noise is often times on high volume. For inaugeration day, the lingering was the same. We were waiting to see what would happen next reveling in the knowing that good was in the air. However, unlike any good rock show, we went away inspired to do something. This time we went away with dreams again. This time we went away with an even greater awe of history. Then the noise came. The loudspeakers started playing at full volume/decibel the noisest chatter static noise on the planet. It seemed like a way to get the riff raff off the mall and home. Since we were not riff raff, who is really?!, we stuck around and vowed to meet at the right hand of Lincoln if the shit hit the fan.

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