Sunday, December 28, 2008

Harding is a Hard Ding!

Ohio is good for a multitude of great things... first and foremost- Noah and my father.
Secondly, Wooster Ohio.
Thirdly, that fact that it breeds some of the best looking Amurican boys on the planet including "almost 10" presidents". You got- Harding, Hayes, etc. Okay, maybe not 10, but it is an uncanny amount. Like that.. uncanny?!
Figuring it is a hard job, it is not inconceivable to drive by the Harding Memorial in Marion, OH where it might have well been Ceaser Augustus. Nonetheless, here is Noah at Harding's Memorial It was raining and I stayed in the car. Why, I am not sure. I even said out loud, "Why am I sitting here in the car. I know how this turns out. Radio. Clock time change. If I wandered up 500 feet in the rain, maybe I would experience something new." Upon realizing this, I was too slow to act and Noah was back at the door with the following pictures to share.

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